Are your eyes tired and aching after spending long hours staring at the screen almost every day? If that sounds like you, then maybe your eyes are just suffering from a case of digital eye strain. But don’t worry. Thankfully the Photon have you covered with blue light lenses. Looking at a شاشة for long stretches is often the cause of eye strain, since screens emit blue light that can be harsh on your eyes. This can also lead to headaches, waking up at by difficulty falling asleep. Blue light lenses are a special, filtering glasses that will keep out this blue light and prevent any harm from to your eyes.
Specifically developed for shielding your eyes from the harmful blue light from screens, we carry blue light lenses. This function helps to relieve screen glare and reduce eye strain and fatigue during prolonged periods in front of the monitor. These are best for long working hours and even if you have all your favorite work to be done on the computer or phone.... With our العدسات, they are extremely lightweight which makes it easy for our lenses to be worn on your faces and fit well comfortably. They were durable and provided support, so you can wear it for many years without any worries. So goodbye tired eyes and breaks.
These are made to stop ضوء أزرق and they improve the natural colors detail on your screenつ with better vision you can work more effectively, also studying become less strenuous and watch more freely of your series or execute better in your games.
Do you feel tired and نوامي after a long hectic day on devices? You are definitely not alone. This is one reason why most people feel tired and exhausted if they use their devices more than usual. This is pretty easy to fix, either practice blue light blocking and wear photon blue lens, if you don’t want to destroy your eyes.
وقت الشاشة الاجتماعي Lense, which are FILTRATION lenses running interference with blue light from screens. They are comfortable on your eyes, reduces eye strain, and you can look at the screen longer. Your screen usage for the rest of that day will be more restful and with Photon, it is also blue light resistance.
Photo هي شركة تصنيع عدسات بصرية تغطي مساحة 10000 متر مربع، وتصنع في الغالب عدسات مضادة للضوء الأزرق وعدسات ملونة وعدسات تقدمية وما إلى ذلك. تلبي جميع احتياجات العملاء بشكل كامل فيما يتعلق بجميع الجوانب
نحن نقدم نظامًا كاملاً لما قبل البيع وخدمة المساعدة بعد البيع. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة بشأن أي أسئلة بعد الشراء، فنحن موجودون هناك. يمكنك الاتصال بنا على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم لأي استفسارات. نحن نتطلع إلى أن نكون عميلاً لك. نحن نلتزم دائمًا بمبدأ العميل أولاً ونلتزم بأن نصبح رائدين في الصناعة.
تدعم عدساتنا الشراء من مكان واحد. حاليًا، تبحث شركتنا عن وكلاء في الخارج. الانضمام إلينا سيمنحك أسعارًا أفضل. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة لشراء النظارات، يرجى الاتصال بنا.
سنتعامل مع كل عدسة بأعلى المعايير. عملية الإنتاج لدينا شاملة للغاية وتتضمن 1 التنظيف الأدنى 2 فحص القالب 3 الحقن 4 التصلب 5 تنظيف العدسات 6 طلاء HMC 7 فحص العدسات النهائية 2 8 التعبئة التلقائية